1) Money mind cannot meditate Meditation is helpful for our inner peace, also known as ‘sadhna’. If you keep thinking about money all the time, you cannot engage in meditation.
2) Progress and development are the rules of this universe Things and surroundings change. We should never expect people, society, or surroundings to stay the same.
3) Faith can move mountains People who believe in themselves have the power to conquer the world. True growth comes from experiencing the gamut of emotions without abandoning the faith.
4) Power of a Mentor “Tell me I forget; teach me I remember” Having a mentor is like having a right path.
5) Focus on Work, not result In Gita, the term “Nishkama Karma” is used. Meaning, do your deeds without caring about the result. Key to living a happier life.
6) Commitment to the pursuit of knowledge To assimilate our own knowledge, we have to master our senses. A mind awakened to the serene joys of the self, will makes us a perfect human being.
7) Refrain from criticism When you speak ill of others or of yourself, you create a negative vibe all around you. Criticism deprives us of the opportunity for self-reflection.
8) Human life is full of battles Fear and expectations cause restrictions and limitations. Keep exploring, experimenting, but DO NO give in fear.
9) Whatever has happened, happen for a reason There is meaning and reason behind every failure, win, love, happiness, success, pain and joy. The reason is often to make you a better person.
10) Change is permanent The only constant truth of life is change. Things change. People change Life change. Surroundings change. Nothing stays the same.